Are you thinking about changing your career but can feel your confidence draining away?
Deciding to make a career move can be one of the biggest decisions we have to make.
After all, we are thinking about leaving behind all that we know to start again.
We can feel excited about the prospect of new possibilities and, at the same time, thoughts about working with different people in an unknown environment can generate anxiety.
By following these simple tips, you can boost your confidence to successfully move careers.
Mindset and Clarity
Firstly, get into a positive mindset if self-doubt is gnawing at you.
Remember all of the things you have achieved in your career so far, and remind yourself that you have the skills and experience to make this transition.
Your confidence in your abilities will grow as you remember all your successes.
Once you’ve established a positive outlook, it’s time to get clear about your goals.
What do you want to achieve with this career move?
Patricia was contemplating leaving full time teaching to care for her daughter but she was unclear about specific goals and had many nagging doubts about her decision to change her career.
After six weeks of personal coaching, she said
After all our sessions and the practical activities we discussed to help make changes I feel like I am moving into a really positive phase…. I feel I can make plans and look ahead to new opportunities to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Interested in learning more about personal coaching? Simply book a short call here.
Strategy and Support
Now it’s time to turn your goals into your personal strategy.
Think about your time frame and how you can break down large goals into smaller, manageable steps.
This will help you focus on what you need to do by certain dates to make your transition successful.
Finally, don’t try to go it alone but actively seek out support.
Find cheerleaders who will provide valuable encouragement when you need it and who will keep you accountable to persevere so that you don’t lose momentum during the career transition.
6 Tips to Increase Your Confidence
Finally, these simple tips will increase your confidence as you go through the process of making your career move.
- Cultivate a positive mindset
- Remember all of your accomplishments
- Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses
- Be clear about what you want
- Focus on a strategy to achieve your goal
- Build a support network
Making a career move can be difficult, but if you take the time to boost your confidence and prepare yourself, you can make it happen.
For more support, you can download my free guide by subscribing to my email list.

Are you thinking about making a career move and would like more support?
I love helping teachers making career changes overcome self-doubt and confidently transtion into new roles and leadership responsibilities. To find out more simply click to book a 15 minute call and take a step towards achieving your career goals.