Self-Care for Teachers

Symptoms of Poor Self-Care Teachers are givers –  freely expending time and energy to help others.  However, they often neglect giving themselves time to spend on their own wellbeing. There are many reasons why, but the results of this form of neglect are predictable. The  symptoms of poor self-care include: Having no energy and feeling […]

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Easter Sunrise

Brilliant teachers need restorative holidays. Holidays that give them the time and space to unwind from the busyness of school; to replenish energy and to build up resources for the next term or academic year. One of my most wonderful holiday memory is watching this sunrise.  The risk taking adventurous me had taken a trip […]

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Children Need Brilliant Teachers

As a mentor and coach for newly qualified teachers, I have had the privilege of working with teachers as they begin their career. They can start off nervous and quiet or bursting with confidence and idealism. As they grow during their induction year, their innate creativity, talents and skills shine through. However, for some, the […]

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