On the Blog

Supporting teachers in career changes.


How to Boost Your Confidence Before Making a Career Move.

Are you thinking about changing your career but can feel your confidence draining away? Deciding to make a career move can be one of the biggest decisions we have to make. After all, we are thinking about leaving behind all that we know to start again.  We can feel excited about the prospect of new […]

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Time Tips for Teachers: Setting Boundaries

It’s no secret that teachers are some of the most giving people around.  They give their time, energy and knowledge to help their students grow and succeed. But sometimes, all this giving can come at a cost to the teacher’s well-being.  When you’re constantly putting others first, it can be difficult to set boundaries and […]

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Career Transitions for Teachers: From Education to Business

Change is challenging Career transitions are challenging and feeling confused is part of the process.  We may have left where we were but have yet to reach where we want to be.  In our old world we could rely on established skills and draw on our reserves of experience and established relationships. In the new […]

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Why I Celebrate Small Successes

Do you feel as if you’re not achieving anything? You’re working hard towards a goal but it seems as if you’re not getting anywhere? Developing a coaching business often has me feeling that way. But a surprise email reminded me why it is so important to stop and acknowledge even the smallest degree of progress. […]

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Life After Teaching

Why I Started a Coaching Business After a long teaching career, I should be retiring. Many colleagues have made this decision and are happily enjoying having extra time doing whatever takes their fancy. So what has made me decide to not only retrain as a life coach but to also start a coaching business? Well, […]

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